Advanced Functions in Excel

Here we will go through a few of the advanced features of Excel.

Sorting data: How to sort a sets of numbers or words and make them look tidy or extract what you are looking for.

Filtering: similar to sorting but here you get only what you want and what you do not want is not shown on the screen.

Automatic Highlighting or conditional formatting: to find one word or number in one big table can be very difficult. Here we show how highlight these. Also, how to change automatically the color of a cell depending on the value.

Pivot Table are so useful when it comes to aggregate data and sort it.

Solver: an convenient way to find the solution to complex problems (like shortest path, etc...)

Financial Formulas: we will look into the most used financial equation given by Excel.

Scientific Formulas: Excel is a great tool for scientist and here a glimpse of what it provides you.

Date and Time: how to get todays dates or change the date format, etc... is done here