Basic math functions: asin, acos, atan, acot

Excel Function ASIN

The ASIN() function is used to determine the inverse of the sine function.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ASIN() (Rad) ASIN() (Deg)
1 =ASIN(L4) 1.5707963267949 90
0.1 =ASIN(L5) 0.10016742116156 5.73917047726679
0.3 =ASIN(L6) 0.304692654015398 17.4576031237221
0.414 =ASIN(L7) 0.426843961329872 24.456357494847
0.23 =ASIN(L8) 0.232077682862713 13.2970717472091



Excel Function ACOS

The ACOS() function is used to determine the arccosine or inverse of the cosine function.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ACOS() (Rad) ACOS() (Deg)
1 =ACOS(L16) 0 0
0.1 =ACOS(L17) 1.47062890563334 84.2608295227332
0.3 =ACOS(L18) 1.2661036727795 72.5423968762779
0.414 =ACOS(L19) 1.14395236546502 65.543642505153
0.23 =ACOS(L20) 1.33871864393218 76.7029282527909



Excel Function ATAN

The ATAN() function is used to determine the arctan or inverse of the tangent function.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ATAN() (Rad) ATAN() (Deg)
1 =ATAN(L28) 0.785398163397448 45
0.1 =ATAN(L29) 0.099668652491162 5.71059313749964
0.3 =ATAN(L30) 0.291456794477867 16.6992442339936
0.414 =ATAN(L31) 0.392516781048347 22.4895549421309
0.23 =ATAN(L32) 0.226068387993884 12.9527645133755



Excel Function ACOT

The ACOT() function is used to determine the inverse of the cot function.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ACOT() (Rad) ATAN() (Deg)
1 =ACOT(L40) 0.785398163397448 45
0.1 =ACOT(L41) 1.47112767430373 84.2894068625004
0.3 =ACOT(L42) 1.27933953231703 73.3007557660064
0.414 =ACOT(L43) 1.17827954574655 67.5104450578691
0.23 =ACOT(L44) 1.34472793880101 77.0472354866245


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