Basic math functions: asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth

Excel Function ASINH

The ASINH() function is used to find the inverse of the hyperbolic sine value of a number.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ASINH() (Rad) ASINH() (Deg)
1 =ASINH(L4) 0.881373587019543 50.4989867105262
0.1 =ASINH(L5) 9.98340788992076E-02 5.72007137250066
0.3 =ASINH(L6) 0.295673047563423 16.940817741155
0.414 =ASINH(L7) 0.403002405807952 23.0903369864141
0.23 =ASINH(L8) 0.228018971902582 13.06452473893



Excel Function ACOSH

The ACOSH() function is used to find the inverse of the hyperbolic cosine value of a number.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ACOS()(Rad) ACOSH() (Deg)
1 =ACOSH(L16) 0 0
20 =ACOSH(L17) 3.6882538673613 211.321380372606
2 =ACOSH(L18) 1.31695789692482 75.4561292902169
1.000001 =ACOSH(L19) 1.41421344449519E-03 8.10284617002332E-02
6 =ACOSH(L20) 2.47788873028848 141.97256634856



Excel Function ATANH

The ATANH() function is used to find the inverse of the hyperbolic tangent value of a number.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ATANH()(Rad) ATANH(Deg)
0.02 =ATANH(L28) 2.00026673068496E-02 1.1460684156868
0.1 =ATANH(L29) 0.100335347731076 5.74879196096815
0.3 =ATANH(L30) 0.309519604203112 17.734166997398
0.414 =ATANH(L31) 0.440429028439753 25.2347245046451
0.23 =ATANH(L32) 0.234189466759367 13.418068051731



Excel Function ACOTH

The ACOTH() function is used to find the inverse of the hyperbolic cot value of a number.

This function takes a single parameter which is a numerical value.

This function returns the value in radians by default.

Number Formula ACOTH()(Rad) ACOTH() (Deg)
2 =ACOTH(L40) 0.549306144334055 31.4729237309454
4 =ACOTH(L41) 0.255412811882995 14.6340761544645
5 =ACOTH(L42) 0.202732554054082 11.6157197172067
10 =ACOTH(L43) 0.100335347731076 5.74879196096815
100 =ACOTH(L44) 1.00003333533348E-02 0.572976894869992


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