Basic math functions: sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot

Excel Function SIN

The SIN() function is used to determine the sine of the angle, which is represented as a number.

The formula for sine function is as given below:


The SIN() function takes single parameter which is the acute angle.

The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula SIN()
0 0 =SIN(M4) 0
30 0.523598775598299 =SIN(M5) 0.5
90 1.5707963267949 =SIN(M6) 1
180 3.14159265358979 =SIN(M7) 1.22514845490862E-16
360 6.28318530717959 =SIN(M8) -2.45029690981724E-16



Excel Function COS

The COS() function is used to determine the cosine of the angle, which is represented as a number.

The formula for cosine function is as given below:


The COS() function takes single parameter which is the acute angle.

The cosine function is used in vector calculus to find the projection of one over another.

The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula COS()
0 0 =COS(M19) 1
30 0.523598775598299 =COS(M20) 0.866025403784439
90 1.5707963267949 =COS(M21) 6.1257422745431E-17
180 3.14159265358979 =COS(M22) -1
360 6.28318530717959 =COS(M23) 1



Excel Function TAN

The TAN() function is used to determine the tangent of the angle, which is represented as a number.

The formula for tangent function is as given below:


The TAN() function takes single parameter which is the acute angle.

The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula TAN()
0 0 =TAN(M35) 0
30 0.523598775598299 =TAN(M36) 0.577350269189626
90 1.5707963267949 =TAN(M37) 1.63245522776191E+16
180 3.14159265358979 =TAN(M38) -1.22514845490862E-16
360 6.28318530717959 =TAN(M39) -2.45029690981724E-16



Excel Function CSC

The CSC() function is used to find the cosecant of the angle of a right angled triangle.

The cosec is the inverse of sine function and can also be determined using the SIN() function also.

This function takes a single parameter; angle.

The formula for cosec is as given below:


The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula CSC()
1 1.74532925199433E-02 =CSC(M50) 57.2986884985502
30 0.523598775598299 =CSC(M51) 2
90 1.5707963267949 =CSC(M52) 1
180 3.14159265358979 =CSC(M53) 8.16227613880954E+15
360 6.28318530717959 =CSC(M54) -4.08113806940477E+15



Excel Function SEC()

The SEC() function is used to find the secant of the angle of a right angled triangle.

The secant is the inverse of cosine function and can also be determined using the COS() function also.

This function takes a single parameter; angle.

The formula for cosec is as given below:


The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula SEC()
0 0 =SEC(M66) 1
30 0.523598775598299 =SEC(M67) 1.15470053837925
90 1.5707963267949 =SEC(M68) 1.63245522776191E+16
180 3.14159265358979 =SEC(M69) -1
360 6.28318530717959 =SEC(M70) 1



Excel Function COT

The COT() function is used to find the cot of the angle of a right angled triangle.

The cot is the inverse of tan function and can also be determined using the TAN() function also.

This function takes a single parameter; angle.

The formula for cosec is as given below:


The angle is always in radian

If you want to use degree transform the angle before with =RADIANS(angle in degree)

Angle(deg) Angle (Rad) Formula COT()
10 0.174532925199433 =COT(M82) 5.67128181961771
30 0.523598775598299 =COT(M83) 1.73205080756888
90 1.5707963267949 =COT(M84) 6.1257422745431E-17
180 3.14159265358979 =COT(M85) -8.16227613880954E+15
360 6.28318530717959 =COT(M86) -4.08113806940477E+15


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