Create a form to enter data in Excel

For example, instead of entering new row of information, can I enter the same information through a form?

excel create a form to enter data

To do it in Excel, here is the answer:

a) First the button for "Form Entry" has to be added to Quick Access Toolbar. To add the button to "Quick Access Toolbar", click on the down arrow button and then click on "More Commands�".

excel create a form to enter data

b) In the "Choose commands from: " field of "Quick Access Toolbar" tab, select "Commands Not in the Ribbon". Select "Form" Command on the list box and then Click on Add. Click OK.

excel create a form to enter data

c) "Form" button is now added to "Quick Access Toolbar". Click on "Form" button.

excel create a form to enter data

d) A custom "Form" corresponding to data in WorkSheet pops up as shown below. Click on New.

excel create a form to enter data

e) A blank "Form" comes up for user entry. As and when form is filled, data is automatically entered as a row of information in the Table.

excel create a form to enter data


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