Basic math functions: round, rounddown, roundup, sign

Excel Function ROUND

The ROUND() function is used to round a given number to the specified number of decimal places.

The ROUND() function takes two parameters; number and num_digits.

A positive value in the number of digits specifies the number of digits to the right of decimal point.

A negative value in the number of digits specifies the number of digits to the left of decimal point.

A value of 0 rounds the number to its nearest integer.

Number No. of digits Formula ROUND()
23.466 2 =ROUND(L4,M4) 23.47
4 1 =ROUND(L5,M5) 4
23.098981 -1 =ROUND(L6,M6) 20
-887 -1 =ROUND(L7,M7) -890
0.2344 2 =ROUND(L8,M8) 0.23



Excel Function ROUNDDOWN

The ROUNDDOWN() function is used to round a number downwards.

This function always rounds the number downwards and takes two parameters; number and digits.

If the digits is 0, then the number is rounded down to the nearest integer.

If the digits is greater than 0, then the number is rounded to the specified decimal places.

If the digits is less than 0, then the number is rounded to the left of the decimal places.

Number No. of digits Formula ROUNDDOWN()
23.466 2 =ROUNDDOWN(L18,M18) 23.46
4 1 =ROUNDDOWN(L19,M19) 4
23.098981 -1 =ROUNDDOWN(L20,M20) 20
-887 -1 =ROUNDDOWN(L21,M21) -880
0.2344 2 =ROUNDDOWN(L22,M22) 0.23



Excel Function ROUNDUP

The ROUNDUP() function is used to round a number upwards.

This function always rounds the number upwards and takes two parameters; number and digits.

If the digits is 0, then the number is rounded down to the nearest integer.

If the digits is greater than 0, then the number is rounded to the specified decimal places.

If the digits is less than 0, then the number is rounded to the left of the decimal places.

Number No. of digits Formula ROUNDUP()
23.466 2 =ROUNDUP(L32,M32) 23.47
4 1 =ROUNDUP(L33,M33) 4
23.098981 -1 =ROUNDUP(L34,M34) 30
-887 -1 =ROUNDUP(L35,M35) -890
0.2344 2 =ROUNDUP(L36,M36) 0.24



Excel Function SIGN

The SIGN() function is used to determine the arithmetic sign of the given number.

This function takes a single parameter; number.

If the number is positive, then arithmetic sign 1 is returned.

If the number is negative, then arithmetic sign -1 is returned.

If the number is 0, then 0 is returned.

Number Formula SIGN()
23 SIGN(L46) 1
-22 SIGN(L47) -1
2 SIGN(L48) 1
3000 SIGN(L49) 1
0 SIGN(L50) 0


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