Engineering functions for number conversions in various bases

Excel Function OCT2BIN

The OCT2BIN() function is used to convert octal number to binary notation.

The octal number has a base value of 8 and binary has a base value of 2.

This function is also most often used in digital computation.

Octal Binary Formula
45 100101 =OCT2BIN(L4)
76 111110 =OCT2BIN(L5)
4 100 =OCT2BIN(L6)
7 111 =OCT2BIN(L7)
23 10011 =OCT2BIN(L8)
8 #NUM! =OCT2BIN(L9)

As seen above, the number 8 results in error since octal has numbers from 0 to 7 only.



Excel Function OCT2DEC

The OCT2DEC() function is used to calculate decimal value of a given octal number.

This function is used to convert the octal number into base-10 notation.

Octal Decimal Formula
45 37 =OCT2DEC(L18)
76 62 =OCT2DEC(L19)
4 4 =OCT2DEC(L20)
7 7 =OCT2DEC(L21)
23 19 =OCT2DEC(L22)
65 53 =OCT2DEC(L23)



Excel Function OCT2HEX

The OCT2HEX() function is used to convert octal number to hexadecimal form.

This function converts the number to base-16 form.

This function is most used with microprocessor problems.

Octal Hex Formula
45 25 =OCT2HEX(L30)
76 3E =OCT2HEX(L31)
4 4 =OCT2HEX(L32)
7 7 =OCT2HEX(L33)
23 13 =OCT2HEX(L34)
65 35 =OCT2HEX(L35)



Excel Function HEX2BIN

The HEX2BIN() function is used to convert hexadecimal number to binary notation.

The hexadecimal number has a base value of 16 and binary has a base value of 2.

This function is also most often used in digital computation.

Hex Binary Formula
25 100101 =HEX2BIN(L44)
3E 111110 =HEX2BIN(L45)
4 100 =HEX2BIN(L46)
7 111 =HEX2BIN(L47)
13 10011 =HEX2BIN(L48)
35 110101 =HEX2BIN(L49)



Excel Function HEX2DEC

The HEX2DEC() function is used to calculate decimal value of a given hexadecimal number.

This function is used to convert the hexadecimal number into base-10 notation.

Hex Decimal Formula
25 37 =HEX2DEC(L57)
3E 62 =HEX2DEC(L58)
4 4 =HEX2DEC(L59)
7 7 =HEX2DEC(L60)
13 19 =HEX2DEC(L61)
35 53 =HEX2DEC(L62)



Excel Function HEX2OCT

The HEX2OCT() function is used to convert hexadecimal number to octal form.

This function converts the number to base-8 form.

This function is most used with microprocessor problems where reversing of opcode is required.

Hex Octal Formula
25 45 =HEX2OCT(L70)
3E 76 =HEX2OCT(L71)
4 4 =HEX2OCT(L72)
7 7 =HEX2OCT(L73)
13 23 =HEX2OCT(L74)
35 65 =HEX2OCT(L75)


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