Examples, Templates and Sample Files: Target 1000
Here you will find other examples of files, templates and
also links to other sites with example.
Our target is to reach 1000 files that you can select from.
Please help us and send us your examples to admin
at excelmadeeasy.com
- Excel Budget, Mortgage, Home Budget Template
- Time Management template, Gantt Chart, Project Management, To Do List template
- Company Business Management, Purchase Order template, Invoice template, Receipts, Personal
- Excel To Do List, Task List, Personal Organization
- Health, Fitness, Excel Weight Tracking template, Exercise, Body Mass Index Excel Calculators
- Birthdays and Calendars in Excel Templates
- Mathematics, Sciences formulas, examples and templates
- Games, Hobbies, Fun with Excel
- VBA, Data Analysis, Excel Tutorials and Excel
functions and formulas
Useful, Top Used Templates
1) TOP 10 used formulas and functions
Budget, Mortgage, Money Management
1) Bank Loan: you want to know how much you will have to pay for this loan. Let's do it together.
2) Bank Interest: you want to know
how rich you will be in 5 months or 50 years from now. Let's do it together.
3) Expense Tracking
Template: Lets make an expense tracking sheet together.
4) Budget template: Lets make a simple budget
5) Hello Kitty Budget: Lets add
some Hello Kitty background or any other background (movies, sport, nature,
6) A
loan amortization
schedule template to see how much will be the repayment of your loan and
until when you will have to pay your loan.
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
Time Management, Gantt Chart, Project Management, Open
Topic Lists, To Do List
1) Gantt Charts, Time Line,
Project Management: Get our free Gantt Chart timing. There is also a
professional version here.
2) Open Topic List: how
useful is it
to have this reminder. Track your TASKS. Get reminded.
3) All our
calendar templates or individually here under
4) A calendar template for 2015.
5) A calendar template for 2016.
6) A calendar template
for 2017.
7) A calendar template
for 2018.
8) A calendar template
for 2019
9) A calendar template
for 2020
10) Manage your
life, this will help you sort out and prioritize all these impossible
Daily Schedule Template to plan your days and weeks well in advance.
you life goals, achievement, life targets, endeavors
13) Time Tracking
Sheet template for your business or personal work tracking
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
Company Business Management, Billing, Invoicing, Receipts, Personal
1) Employee evaluation system for QA (quality) purposes
2) An invoice template
with tax and no tax spreadsheets.
3) A purchase order template. Great for small businesses, freelancers, consultant.
4) To do List: how useful is it
to have this reminder. Track your TASKS. Get reminded.
5) Percent Change in series of
numbers or business or sales.
6) Time Tracking Sheet
template for your business or personal work tracking
Expense Report Template to record and get your travel accounting in
8) Business Plan Support
and templates: advice on how to start a business plan.
9) Business Model Template:
great template to define the business model of your company.
10) SWOT Matrix
Template Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, Opportunities)
Classic looking Purchase order for classic company or family business
12) Visual Overview of all
the business templates from purchase order, to invoice and Human resources
13) A Excel special purchase order template for small businesses can be found under the following link
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
To Do List, Task List, Personal Organization
1) To do List: how useful is it to have
this reminder.
2) Hello Kitty To Do List: again
lets put a nice HK background to it.
3) Employment Search
Tracking List. Lets you manage and track your new Job searches.
4) Collection
Template: Track and keep record of all the items you collect. Stamps,
Tools, Art, everything can be tracked, and with photos.
New year
Resolution: here a great list to make and follow your new year
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
Health, Fitness, Weight Tracking, Exercise, Health Calculators
1) A Weight Tracking Chart
template (in Kg or Lb.)
2) List of nutritional
values for various food items.
3) BMI calculator.
This tells you if you are overweight, underweight or normal.
4) BMR calculator.
How many calories (kcal) can you eat per day.
5) How long are you going
to live according to the latest statistics. Here a life expectancy
6) With our
Weightwatchers Point Calculator, calculate the number of points you are
7) Here an
Exercise tracking sheet for Weekly and Daily tracking to do your workout
8) Diabetes is a worldwide problem with 8% of the world population being diabetic. Here the Diabetes Tracker Log Template to track your glucose also a link to the America diabetes association log.
9) Personal Health Record Template Sheet: This template is for you health record. It lets you track little health issues you might have, the medicine you take, the doctors you visit. You can add anything else you want.
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
Birthdays and Calendars
1) A calendar template for 2016.
2) A calendar template for 2017.
3) A calendar template for 2018.
4) if you still need, the
calendar template for 2015.
5) A calendar template for 2019.
6) A calendar template for 2020.
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
Mathematics, Sciences formulas, examples and templates
1) The
Fibonacci Sequence
is explained and created: it is seen everywhere in nature and the universe.
Near approximation of the golden angle (linked to the golden ratio)
2) Percent Change in series of
numbers or business or sales.
3) Math worksheet generator for kids excel grade 1 to 5
Games, Fun, Hobbies, FAQ and others
1) Love Phrase generator: You are
unsure about what to say to your loved one. Let's do a love phrase generator
2) Timer (exercise Timer): You
set a time in minutes and it will remind you to stand up and exercise. Very
useful. (contains a macro to count time passing). It will also record
all the time you are in front of the computer and add it to the list.
It is also a useful template if you suffer from RSI (repeated stress injury,
carpal sysndrom, ...)
3) Psychedelic spreadsheet: Beware your eyes....welcome in the 60s.
This sheet uses the RAND function to make a colour show.
4) FAQ: here the list of
some Frequently Asked Questions.
5) Lets Calculate the
value of PI (3.1415926....) by using the Excel Pi calculation template and lets graph it.
6) The F4 key, lets you change
from absolute to relative referencing ($A$1 to A1)
7) Select
random names in an excel table, very useful.
LiPo Battery energy per weight calculator. Is you LiPo Battery the right
Windows 8 or Windows 10 does not start and stay in endless loop
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your help....
VBA, Data Analysis, Tutorials and various
functions and formulas
1) Curves: graph a function in Excel. Plot any formula. A picture is worth 1000 words. Same for curves and graphs.
2) Product Sum: Sumproduct function, multiply multiple column and sum the rows, multiplies ranges or arrays together and returns the sum of products
3) Use multiple Sheets in Excel, Copy, Move and delete Sheets with one click.
4) Date Formatting: change the date format in your cells.
5) Text formatting with keyboard shortcuts, bold, italic, strike text quickly
6) How to Convert a Formula to a Static Value in Excel, how to paste a formula to a value and not a full formula, Copy and paste specific cell contents (CTRL+C, CTRL+V....& F9)
7) VBA Button to go from one sheet to another. Very useful when you want to redirect to other sheets, quickly move from one sheet to another in Excel.
8) Use of the RAND() function in this spreadsheet to create random numbers
9) Nice table with full date in ....narrow columns. How to have thin columns and still see the full date?
10) In a list of dates keep only the first day of the month displayed. This makes the list much more readable. Here the example.
11) How to autofill a formula over many empty cells.
12) Recovering Protected Sheet Password.
13) Lowest or Top 10 items in a list
14) Draw acircle in Excel
15) Sort Positive and Negative Values into a new sheet (2014/12/11)
16) In complex formulas, naming the cells is essential. Look here how this is done (2014/12/12)
17) How to handle the error messages (like #VALUE, etc...) you get and replace them with other messages.
18) Use SUMIF and SUMIFS to get the right data out of a table.
19) Select random names in a table (RAND)
20) Add Buttons to move around
21) Top 10 formulas used in Excel
22) VBA: Buttons to move you from one section to another.
23) Lookup for data in a table (LOOKUP)
24) Find the position of a value or data in a table (MATCH, INDEX)
25) Test the world by using the IF function.
27) Add Worksheets, Count Worksheets and workbooks.
28) The INDIRECT function allows you to refer to a cell by using a text.
29) Move to the extreme right, left, top or bottom of the spreadsheet.
30) Date text formatting explained. Create the format you want.
31) Time and Hours formulas, use the time, hour, minute and second formulas.
33) ADDRESS, ROWS, COLUMNS, ROW and COLUMN are newly explained.
34) Embed an EXCEL table into WORD or POWERPOINT.
35) How to reverse the order of rows rapidly (vertical transpose)
36) How to remove all hyperlinks in an excel spreadsheet
37) Insert a picture into a cell or inserting into a table
38) Add or subtractone or more months to a date
39) Add or subtract one or more years to a date
40) WHILE WEND Loop statement in VBA to loop through a specific range.
41) In Excel VBA, loops through an endless range or entire column. In that example, we will look for specific data in an endless range in column B. It uses the FOR TO NEXT statement
42) GoTo statement; lets you branch or jump to another part of the program.
43) Can I assign a NAME to a constant (similar to declaring constants in coding environment like VBA)?
44) In a Table , how can I add a Total Row that displays the maximum value in a column of numbers?
45) In a Table , how can I remove duplicate records?
46) How can I add a Prefix to a set of numbers in a range?
47) How can I add a background image to a worksheet?
48) How can I ensure that important files always appear on the recent Excel workbooks list?
49) How can I access previously auto saved versions of my current Excel workbook?
50) Is there a way I can recover unsaved work?
51) Is there a way I can average a range of numbers even if there is an error value in range?
52) Can I apply formatting to a number concatenated with a Text?
53) Can I add a Text histogram to Table data to make it visually appealing and easy to interpret?
54) Can I determine the number of times a character appears in a cell using formula?
55) How can I extract First Name and Last Name from a cell that has Full name?
56) How can I find number of months that has elapsed given 2 dates?
57) How can I find time interval between 2 times?
58) How can I find the number of working days between 2 dates given a holidays list?
59) How can I find the day of the week given a date?
60) How can I fill a range of cells with incremental times?
61) How can I find the count of records that meet a given condition in my raw data table?
62) How can I find the sum of records that meet a given condition in my raw data table?
63) How can I find the count of records that meet multiple conditions in my raw data table?
64) How can I find the slab in which a given value fits?
65) Given a raw data Table, how can I find the value of a field for a specific value of another field?
66) How do I calculate monthly payment given Loan amount, Rate of Interest and period?
67) How do I get the principal part of loan payment for a PERIOD given Loan amount, Rate of Interest and period?
68) How do I get the principal part of loan payment for the YEAR given Loan amount, Rate of Interest and period?
69) Is there a way I can convert between units of measurement in Excel?
70) Is there a way I can round the sales figure to the nearest 500?
71) How can I enter an Engineering or Mathematical equation like Binomial Theorem Equation in Excel?
72) How can I extract file name from a full path?
73) How do I get the rank of a number in a list of numbers?
74) How can I remove all nonprintable characters from text?
75) How do I have proper (Capitalize the first letter in each word of a text) text in cells ?
76) How do I change the rating numbers to rating labels?
77) How do I get the 2nd highest number in a range of numbers?
78) How can I get an estimate of Standard Deviation of a sample dataset?
79) How do I find the median salary of employees with the same skillset in my Organization?
80) How can I ensure that user enters only certain acceptable values in an input cell?
81) How can I set up a drop down list?
82) How can I prevent users from entering duplicate values in a range?
83) Is there a way I can easily identify the duplicate values in a dataset?
84) Is there a way to create an visually impactful report with stop lights indicating automatically if Target is met?
85) Is there a way to easily shade alternate rows in a data range for improving readability?
86) How do I know which cells on the worksheet contain Conditional Formatting?
87) How can I avoid a gap in a line chart for missing data?
88) Can I change the way that huge numbers are displayed in Y-Axis so that they do not take up chart space?
89) Is it possible to use 2 labels in X-Axis of a chart (like both Month and Date, Date and Day, Date and Shift)?
90) How can I add and link a Chart Title to a cell value?
91) How can I add a 3 Month Moving average Trend line to my line chart?
92) How can I enter multiple lines of data in a cell?
93) I have to enter non alphanumeric characters in a cell using VBA - how can I get their codes for use in VBA?
94) I want a formula to concatenate multiple cell values separated by a line break.
95) How can I add interval to dates?
96) I am using Excel for Project Management - how can I find End Date for a task given Start Date and Task duration considering only working days?
97) How can I get the information about my current operating environment (OS version, Excel version, Current Directory)
98) I conducted a test and the test scores are available - how can I get Percentile rank of students?
99) How can I generate random numbers between 2 limits?
100) I am considering an investment of $500 per month for 3 years @ 6% interest rate. What is the Present Value of investment?
101) I have to make an investment decision - I have the cashflow numbers. In Excel, how do I calculate Internal Rate of Return (IRR)?
102) I work with a SW that returns Hex values - how can I convert them to decimal values?
103) I have to determine bonus for my staff based on ratings (for each rating, specific bonus amount). In Excel, how can I set up my Bonus Table?
104) I have to retrieve data from a specific column in a Table. In Excel, how can I do that?
105) I am not able to use VLOOKUP as the lookup value column is to the right of the column that has the information I need. Is there an alternative option?
106) I want to pull data from a table using a reference cell in table. Is there a function to support that?
107) How can I create dependent drop down lists?
108) How can I enter a text in a cell with subscript and superscript?
109) How can I enter a cent symbol in a cell?
110) How can I enter a picture in a cell?
111) I have several pictures that are misaligned - manually aligning them is very laborious. Is there an automatic alignment option in Excel?
112) I have read that Merging cells should be avoided if possible. In Excel, how can I then make my Title appear in the center of my Data Table?
113) How can I prevent edits on my worksheet by protecting it with a Password ?
114) I am planning to protect my sheet using a password. However, for select cells I would like users to be able to edit the cells. In Excel, how can I achieve that?
115) How can I insert a watermark in my Worksheet?
116) Every time I make an update to my Worksheet, I would like to add a timestamp to my Last Updated field. In Excel, how can I do that in Worksheet?
117) I have a table where inputs have to come from various users. In Excel, how can I highlight a row automatically that does not have input so that I can follow up with the concerned?
118) Log value of a number using Excel?
119) In Excel, convert radian to degrees?
120) One of my formulas has returned an error - how can I trace the error to fix it?
121) Cell with nested formulas that returns an error. In Excel, how can I step through the formulas to help with debugging?
122) VLOOKUP formula returns #N/A when no match is found. Instead of #N/A, display a more meaningful text like NO MATCH FOUND ?
123) How can I calculate values applying complex Engineering formulas using Excel?
124) How can I find the least common multiple using Excel?
125) I am a construction Engineer. Considering a room with dimension, 14ft x 12ft can I find the side of the largest square tile which can tile the room?
126) I have test scores for my student population. In Excel, how can I determine confidence interval for my Population Mean?
127) Our financial Year is divided into 13 periods of 4 weeks each. I enter weekly YTD data. In Excel, how can I set up Worksheet to get Period data automatically?
128) I track a stock on a daily basis and enter the Open, High, Low and Close values for every trading day. In Excel, how can I automatically get High and Low values for the last 10 trading days?
129) How can I use SUMPRODUCT to summarize my raw data?
130) How can I get the most frequently occurring text in a range?
131) How can I get the last non-zero value in a row?
132) How can I filter a table to get all records that have less than a particular value in a specific column?
133) To easily identify sheets belonging to different Business Divisions, I would like to color code tab names - is it possible?
134) I have a column header Title that is big - I cannot increase the size of column. In Excel, how can I somehow fit the Title retaining the existing column width?
135) I have a complex voluminous workbook with lot of formulas. Every time I make an update, the processing is slow. Any workarounds available?
136) Can I add a small chart to Table data to make it visually appealing and easy to interpret?
137) I have a large list of clients whose current Age I need to maintain in my database as it influences costs - how can I have Excel display the current age at all times?
138) How can I get the day number of the year for a date - for example 5 for Jan 5, 33 for Feb 2?
139) How can I calculate depreciation of assets using Excel?
140) How can I set up a dynamic named range that expands automatically when new items are added to the list?
141) How can I plot 2 series on the same chart with different scales / measurement unit for Values (Ex: Pareto chart)?
142) I have a complex WorkSheet with lot of fields and data - How can I quickly find the cells that have formulas?
143) How can I identify all cells with Conditional Formatting in my WorkSheet?
144) How can I identify all cells with Data Validation in my WorkSheet?
145) How can I identify the cells that are dependent on a particular cell?
146) How can I identify the cells that influence a particular cell to help with debugging of my spreadSheet or understand a spreadSheet that I inherited?
147) I have 2 sets of lists from 2 different reports - how can I select the cells with differences?
148) How can I quickly remove all blank cells in a data range?
149) How can I identify cells with Circular Reference in a WorkSheet?
150) How can I enter information in multiple cells simultaneously?
151) How can I display fractions as it is in a cell (instead of displaying as a decimal)?
152) I want to add a trend indicator symbol next to my sales data - how can I do that?
153) How can I quickly navigate to a frequently used field in a voluminous worbook?
154) How can I fill a series of data automatically?
155) How can I have text autocomplete based on values previously entered in Column?
156) How can I have text autocomplete by typing in a short code for the text?
157) How can I show summary reports with Totals only hiding all the rows containing the details?
158) How can I remove Outline from my WorkSheet?
159) Is there any way I can see more region of my WorkSheet?
160) How can I edit data in multiple WorkSheets together?
161) I have data arranged in rows of information. Is there any way I can enter new data through a form instead of entering it directly in SpreadSheet?
162) How can I edit names of all the Shapes in the WorkSheet easily instead of navigating to each Shape and renaming them?
163) How can I hide a specific Shape in my WorkSheet?
164) How can I remove hyperlinks from a range of cells?
165) How can I clear all formats (formats alone not data) from a range of cells?
166) How can I sort data using multiple criteria?
167) I have a big Table spanning across pages when printed - how do I get Excel to print titles in all pages?
168) I have entered lot of comments in my WorkSheet - how do I have them show up when printed?
169) How can I add a Footer to my printout with automatic page numbering?
170) How can I see where page breaks occur before actually printing?
171) I want to force a page break at a certain row - how can I do that?
172) How can I change the meta-data of file (Author, Company Name and the like)?
173) How can I prevent other users from adding or deleting Sheets in file?
174) I have WorkBook with sensitive confidential information - how do I encrypt / protect my file so that access to file contents is restricted?
175) After several iterations, I have finalized my WorkBook - how do I make it Read-only from then on to prevent further edits?
176) In my organization different users have different versions of Excel - how do I check compatibility issues with my WorkBook across versions?
177) I frequently use a Macro - is there a way to quickly access the Macro in the Excel Ribbon?
178) I frequently use a Macro - is there a way to quickly access the Macro using a Keyboard Shortcut?
179) I want to automatically run an initialization procedure whenever I open my WorkBook so that it is ready for use - how can I achieve that?
180) How do I disable the right click option for users in my WorkBook?
181) I want to automatically run a procedure whenever I close my WorkBook so that it is in a known state - how can I achieve that?
182) I have a WorkBook that loads a form automatically when it is opened. In Excel, how can I suppress the form from loading on file open when required?
183) How can I execute an event at a predetermined time from my Macro?
184) How can I make my macro wait for 5 secs before executing the next command?
185) I have a very complex macro that runs for a long time - is there any way I can set up an audible alarm indicating macro run is over?
186) How can I hide Formula Bar and Headings using VBA?
187) How can I hide all comments in my WorkSheet using VBA?
188) How to disable ability to insert Rows and Columns in Excel (using VBA)?
189) How can I prevent users from seeing / accessing my macro code?
190) How can I get users to select a file for processing using my macro?
191) How can I get users to select a folder to save the output of my macro?
192) How can I find the last used cell in a Column in VBA?
193) How can I extract file name from a full path including folder path and file name?
194) How do I add a symbol like Triangle / Inverted Triangle for indicating trends in a cell using VBA?
195) How can I convert Column numbers into Column names for use in range definition?
196) How can I set the fill color, font color and set number format of cell to date?
197) How can I get input from user through a prompt and assign user's input to a cell?
198) How can I add a Timestamp after macro execution?
199) How can I sort data using VBA?
200) How can I loop through all WorkSheets and get their names using VBA?
201) How can I find the number of working days between 2 dates using VBA?
202) How do I copy a Table from one location to another and retain all formulas, formats and columnwidths?
203) How do I use Find to determine last occurrence of a string in a WorkSheet range using VBA?
204) How do I update my DropDown list whenever the sheet is activated?
205) How can I dynamically add a hyperlink using VBA?
206) How can I update a listbox based on data in a list using VBA?
207) How do I enter a formula in a cell using VBA (using Relative Reference)?
208) How can I hide a sheet completely from users (the sheet should not even appear in Unhide dialog box)?
209) How can I copy and rename a WorkSheet using VBA?
210) How can I add a WorkSheet and name it as required using VBA?
211) How do I enter a formula in a cell using VBA (using Absolute Reference)?
212) How can I shade alternate rows in color using VBA to make it easier to read voluminous data running into hundreds of rows?
213) How can I filter and copy only filtered data using VBA?
214) How can I get row count of filtered data?
215) How can I activate a routine when there is a change in value of a cell?
216) How can I clear cell after activating a routine when there is a change in value of a cell?
217) How can I set Page orientation, Zoom % , Title Rows and footer using VBA?
218) How can I set non-contiguous print area using VBA?
219) How can I set the Source Data of charts using VBA?
220) How can I dynamically add series to an existing chart using VBA?
221) How can I add a legend to a chart using VBA?
222) How can I get the count of number of series in a Chart using VBA?
223) How can I add Trendline to a chart using VBA?
224) How can I change the Marker size and Marker line color for all the series in a chart?
225) How can I check if a file exists in a folder using VBA?
226) How can I list all files in a folder using VBA?
227) How can I save a WorkSheet as a new WorkBook using VBA?
228) How can I export a WorkSheet as a PDF using VBA?
229) How do I add a shape using VBA?
230) How do I assign a macro to a shape using VBA?
231) How can I delete all shapes in a WorkSheet?
232) How can I loop through all ActiveX checkboxes in WorkSheet and set them to Unchecked status?
233) How can I export a chart as a gif file?
234) How do I restrict user entry in ActiveX Text Box to just numeric values?
235) How can I set up ListBox using VBA to allow users to select multiple values?
236) How can I remove display of Gridlines in my worksheet using VBA?
237) I have a macro that takes a lot of time for execution - how can I keep the user informed that the macro is running?
238) How can I turn off Alerts using VBA?
239) How can I avoid updates to cell values during macro execution?
240) How can I protect / unprotect WorkSheet using VBA?
241) How can I set FreezePanes in a certain range using VBA?
242) How can worksheet functions be accessed in VBA?
243) How to add a link in a sheet to another sheet
244) A good introduction aboutPivot Tables and how you can sort and manage complex data
245) How toadd axe title, data label, data table, error bars, gridline, legend, trendline in Excel Charts
More Templates, examples and tutorials to come with your
With you help we will be getting there... (;-)
Thanks for watching and helping...