Information functions: isnontext, isnumber, isref, istext, n

Excel Function ISNONTEXT

The ISNONTEXT() function is used to determine if the given value is nontext or not.

This function returns TRUE if the value is a nontext and FALSE, otherwise.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

ISNONTEXT(value or expression)




Excel Function ISNUMBER

The ISNUMBER() function is used to determine if the given value is number or not.

This function returns TRUE if the value is a number and FALSE, otherwise.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

ISNUMBER(value or expression)

ISNUMBER() Formula
True =ISNUMBER(34)
False =ISNUMBER("34")
False =ISNUMBER(M15)
True =ISNUMBER(0.1)



Excel Function ISREF

The ISREF() function is used to determine, if the given argument is a reference or not.

This function returns TRUE, if reference and FALSE, otherwise.

The syntax of this function is as given below:


ISREF() Formula
True =ISREF(M27)
False =ISREF(34)
True =ISREF('Q11'!B7)
False =ISREF("REF")



Excel Function ISTEXT

The ISTEXT() function is used to determine if the given value is text or not.

This function returns TRUE if the value is a text and FALSE, otherwise.

The syntax of this function is as given below:

ISTEXT(value or expression)

ISTEXT() Formula
True =ISTEXT(M38)
False =ISTEXT(22)
True =ISTEXT("22")
False =ISTEXT(N41)



Excel Function N

The N() function is used to convert a data into a numeric value.

This text or strings are converted to 0.

The numeric value remains the same.

The logical TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE is converted to 0.

N Formula
8 =N(8)
0 =N("8")
1 =N(TRUE)


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