Statistical functions poisson, prob, quartile, skew, slope, standardize

Excel Function POISSON

The POISSON() function is used to determine the Poisson probability mass function for a set of variables.

This function can also be used to calculate the cumulative Poisson distribution function.

The syntax is as follows:


x mean POISSON() Formula
20 21 0.47097436386771 =POISSON(L4,M4,TRUE)
25 45 3.94834851198384E-04 =POISSON(L5,M5,FALSE)
34 38 5.48639874778975E-02 =POISSON(L6,M6,FALSE)
45 42 0.711662405542877 =POISSON(L7,M7,TRUE)



Excel Function PROB

The PROB() function is used to determine the probability associated with a range of values from a given list.

The syntax is as follows:


x Probability PROB() Formula
0 0.1 0.22 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,3)
1 0.15 0.21 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,4)
2 0.17 0.09 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,5)
3 0.22 0.15 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,1)
4 0.21 0.54 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,1,3)
5 0.09 0.25 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,0,1)
6 0.05 0.17 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,2)
7 0.01 0.15 =PROB(L$16:L$23,M$16:M$23,1)



Excel Function QUARTILE

The QUARTILE() function returns the quartile value of a given set of values.

Quarters are value that divides the set into quarters.

The syntax is as follows:

QUARTILE(array_values, quarters)

values quarter QUARTILE() Formula
20 0 14 =QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M31)
25 1 18 =QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M32)
34 2 20 =QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M33)
14 3 25 =QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M34)
18 4 34 =QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M35)



Excel Function SKEW

The SKEW() function is used to calculate the skewness of the distribution of given values.

The skew is nothing but the asymmetry or deviation of the distribution from mean.

The syntax is as follows:


quarter SKEW() Formula
21 0.64696859492152 =SKEW(L44:L46)
14 0.852357657130471 =SKEW(L44:L45,34)
32 1.75591667437576 =SKEW(L44:L48)
67 1.03428797900875 =SKEW(L44:L47,89,L48)
19 0.732880613838724 '=QUARTILE(L$31:L$35,M35)



Excel Function SLOPE

The SLOPE() function is used to calculate the slope of a linear line for a given set of x and y values.

The syntax is as follows:


X Y SLOPE() Formula
12 8 0.331983805668016 =SLOPE(M57:M59,L57:L59)
43 12 0.129032258064516 =SLOPE(M57:M58,L57:L58)
32 44 -7.96545105566219E-02 =SLOPE(M57:M60,L57:L60)
23 67 -0.205183585313175 =SLOPE(M57:M61,L57:L61)
5 41 -1.3968253968254 =SLOPE(M57:M59,L59:L61)



Excel Function STANDARDIZE

The STANDARDIZE() function returns a normalized value based on given mean and standard deviation.

The syntax of the function is as follows:

STANDARDIZE(value,mean,standard deviation)

x value mean sd STANDARDIZE() Formula
2 14 9 -1.33333333333333 =STANDARDIZE(L69,M69,N69)
13 11 35 5.71428571428571E-02 =STANDARDIZE(L70,M70,N70)
34 17 21 0.80952380952381 =STANDARDIZE(L71,M71,N71)
21 26 20 -0.25 =STANDARDIZE(L72,M72,N72)
45 4 10 4.1 =STANDARDIZE(L73,M73,N73)


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